Register for West E tryouts using the following link:
Westmoreland Elite Registration Form
We will accept "walk-in" players, but prefer pre-registration.
The following are required to be turned in/viewed at tryouts:
1. USAV Junior Full Membership or Tryout Membership
If you participated in the 2023-2024 club season, your full membership is valid until 8/31/2024 so you will not have to update your membership for summer tryouts. If you did NOT participate last club season, summer tryout memberships will be available to purchase on July 1st at this LINK.
Please bring a copy of your USAV Membership QR code or have this QR code available on a mobile device at tryouts.
2. USAV Medical Release Form
USAV Medical Release Form
Please complete the medical release form and bring a copy to tryouts.
The form DOES NOT need to be notarized.
If the above link does not work, feel free to download the form using this file, usav medical release form.pdf
3. Tryout Fee
A $40 non-refundable tryout fee can be mailed to the following address. If not sent in mail, it will be accepted at tryouts. There will also be a $40 non-refundable tryout fee for all walk-in players.
Cash or checks accepted at tryouts.
Send checks to the following address:
4175 Ivanhoe Drive, #801
Monroeville, PA 15146
*We have discontinued the use of the Registration tool on our website for ease of registering and so that you do not have to create another account for something!